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We have decided to include the purpose of sharing “value” and “values” with our stakeholders in our Articles of Association by changing our legal form to that of benefit corporation.

Sharing value and values

Sharing is the key word of our age

Sharing is one of the keywords of today’s world.
It is something we are required to do multiple times every day – at work, on social media and in our lives in general – without ever stopping and knowing that it would be very difficult for us to avoid doing it. As language experts tell us, using a word too often may empty it of meaning, but could the word “sharing” really start to signify nothing at all?

We as a company have taken a moment to think about what this word means to us today. The answer is reflected in our real-life choices for the good of people, the environment and communities. We have decided to include the aim of sharing “value” (the wealth produced) and “values” (such as social responsibility, inclusiveness and regulatory compliance) with our stakeholders: we have become a Benefit Cooperative Corporation. So for us, the word sharing continues to mean a great deal.


Circular economy needs community gestures

In the knowledge that it takes small actions to combat big emergencies, in 2022 Camst partnered energy and utilities companies Hera and Eni in a circular economy initiative that involves cooperative members and employees over quite a large area in the recycling of used cooking oils and organic waste for the production of biofuel and biomethane. In 2022, 57,196 litres of biofuel were produced from the used vegetable oils collected by the 139 Camst locations involved (+77 compared to 2021), meaning an annual saving of 47.9 tonnes of oil equivalent and 157.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, the amount absorbed by about 1,575 medium-sized trees. What’s more, consignment of the organic waste from the food service locations to the Hera biogas plant enabled the production of almost 33,000 m3 of biomethane, generating an annual saving of 25 tonnes of oil and a reduction in CO2 of 59 tonnes/year.


Stakeholder stories

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Voice over

On the topics that are closest to our hearts, we ask for contributions from people who have had particularly significant professional, life or activist experiences in the field; valuable testimonies that we want to share with you.


Plastic pollution, the role of the citizen and business
Lorenzo Zitignani

Co-founder of Plastic Free, an association active in the fight against plastic pollution, Lorenzo Zitignani talks about the role companies can play in actively promoting change, by making concrete commitments to the elimination of single-use plastics. All guided by the realisation that every small gesture can make a difference.

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Small everyday gestures to save the planet
Matteo Biffoni

Committed to politics from his youth, Matteo Biffoni has been Mayor of Prato since 2014. Under his administration, the Tuscan city has always tried to anticipate the country's economic and social transformations. This is the setting for the project to reduce single-use plastics in the municipality's schools, as Biffoni recounts in this podcast. A real call to arms, with the aim of making everyone - institutions, families, restaurant managers - aware of their responsibility to combat the pollution of the planet.

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The supply chain and sustainability, a challenge we can win together
Marco Preti

With more than ten years’ experience as the CEO of Cribis, a CRIF Group company, Marco Preti is involved in business development for the domestic and foreign markets. In his podcast, he explains how the development of companies - which is impossible today without an integrated sustainability strategy - is only possible by looking at the entire supply chain.

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Objective zero waste
Andrea Segrè

An Italian agronomist and economist, he is Full Professor of International and Comparative Agricultural Policy at the University of Bologna and Scientific Director of the Waste Watcher Observatory, which monitors the switch to the circular economy. Founder of Last Minute Market and originator of the “Spreco Zero” (zero waste) campaign, he tells us that food waste involves much more than what is left on plates, and how everyone can do their bit.

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Imprese rigenerative
Eric Ezechieli

A regenerative entrepreneur, he is co-founder of Nativa, the first Certified B Corp® and Benefit Corporation in Europe, recognised in 2016 as the Most Valuable Player of the movement globally for introducing the legal form Benefit Corporation.

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Right to having school meals
Antonella Inverno

Lawyer with a specialisation in the international protection of human rights and head of Child and Adolescent Policy at Save the Children Italy, Antonella Inverno explains why guaranteeing the school canteen means investing in the fight against material, educational and food poverty of children and adolescents.

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Ragazzi interrotti
Ilaria Iacoviello

Journalist and presenter for SkyTg24, she mainly deals with schools and social issues and is the author and coordinator of the "Ragazzi interrotti" format. . In this podcast she talks about difficulties experienced by children and young people and how their lives were effected during the pandemic. She emphasizes the value of school as a space not only for learning but also for socializing, maintaining relationships and redemption.

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The fight against Gender-Based Violence begins (also) in the workplace
Mariangela Zanni

National Councillor of D.i.Re, Donne in Rete Contro la Violenza – a national association that brings together 84 organizations in Italy seeking to combat violence against women – Mariangela Zanni tells us how cultural change (also) begins in the workplace and how economic independence is a vital factor for women to be free from all forms of maltreatment.

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When sustainability rhymes with economy
Pierluigi Stefanini

Why is a sustainable company also healthier and better performing? Pierluigi Stefanini, president of ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) and an authoritative speaker on SDGs, reflects on the goals of Agenda 2030, focusing on Goal 17 and showing how - through a partnership between realities working together towards common goals - it is possible to balance economic and social sustainability with environmental sustainability.

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